African Wild Cats


The Fascinating World of African Wild Cats

Felis lybica, the enigmatic African wild cats, are a wonderful example of the variety of nature. We'll talk about the taxonomy, characteristics, range, habitat, behavior, and state of conservation of African wildcats.

An African Wild cat finding its prey in jungle

Classification of African wild cats

  • Domain: Eukaryota
  • Kingdom: Animalia
  • Phylum: Chordata
  • Class: Mammalia
  • Order: Carnivora
  • Suborder: Feliformia
  • Family: Felidae
  • Subfamily: Felinae
  • Genus: Felis
  • Species: F. lybica

Binomial Name: Felis lybica


  • F. l. lybica
  • F. l. cafra
  • F. l. ornata

General Description

Felis lybica, the little African wild cats, are striped vertically and have sandy grey fur. Their look is improved by side and facial stripes. Wildcats from Africa, West and Central Asia, India, and China may live in savannas, shrublands, grasslands, and deserts.

These fascinating animals have ringed tails, tufted ears, and facial stripes ranging from dark ochre to black. Their fur is sand grey and has faint red or yellow streaks. The neck, undersides, and belly are almost white. The thin, cylindrical tails of African wildcats feature two or three rings and a black tip. These wildcats have distinct traits, although they nevertheless resemble domestic cats.

Taxonomy of African wild cats

Discovering the taxonomy of African wildcats has been a fascinating scientific endeavor for generations. In 1780, Georg Forster used a specimen from the Barbary Coast to define Felis lybica. The characteristics of this domestic cat-sized feline were a ringed tail, little black tufts on the ears, and red hair.

Numerous naturalists and museum curators examined the taxonomy of African and Near Eastern wildcat holotypes between the 18th and 20th centuries. Notable taxonomic contributions include the 1791 description of Felis ocreata by Johann Friedrich Gmelin, the 1822 description of Felis cafra by Anselme Gaëtan Desmarest, and the 1921 description of Felis by Oldfield Thomas and Martin Hinton.

Three subspecies of African wildcats have been identified in recent years: F. l. ornata in Asia, F. l. Safra in Southern Africa, and F. l. lybica in North Africa and Sinai to Sudan These subspecies account for the complicated development of these odd animals.


The development of African wild cats is astounding. According to nuclear DNA phylogenetics, the Felidae radiation started in Asia between 14.45 and 8.38 million years ago. The age of the radiation is 16.76 to 6.46 million years, based on mitochondrial DNA.

According to nuclear DNA studies, the African wildcat and Felis species split apart 2.16–0.89 million years ago. 4.21–0.02 million years ago saw the divergence of mitochondrial DNA. The African wildcat, sand cat, black-footed cat, and jungle cat (F. chaus) were the next to diverge.

An intriguing link between African wild cats and domestic cats has been shown through genetic study. Ten thousand years ago, in the Fertile Crescent, African wildcats were domesticated, giving rise to the modern cat. Originating from a minimum of five "Mitochondrial Eves," domestic cats expanded over the Mediterranean and Baltic Seas by the 5th century CE.

Even more intriguing was the discovery of a human skeleton and an African wild cat at a 9,500-year-old Cyprus burial site. Early domestication is suggested by the finding of an old human-wildcat connection.

This remarkable genetic trip demonstrates the strong relationship and development of the African wild cats with the domestic cats.


The African wildcat is exquisite, in contrast to other cats. These nimble creatures are distinguished by their light sandy grey fur with modest yellow or reddish tones, as well as almost white belly and neck fur. They have little, reddish-gray ear tufts and long, light-colored pinna hairs.

African wild cats have cheek stripes that range from dark ochre to black. Two horizontal stripes on the cheeks go from the inner corner to the rhinarium and one from the outer corner to the jaw. Their four to six-neck stripes add to their unique design. The forelegs feature black rings, whereas the hind legs are striped. lighter on the sides, and black on the back. Those vertical stripes on the sides turn into spots a lot of the appeal. They have a black tip and two to three rings on their tail. African wildcats have dark brown to black feet below.

They are bushier and thinner in the tail than European dogs, and their stripes on the neck, shoulders, and spine are less noticeable. Their little ear tufts add appeal. Wildcats from Europe are bigger and hairier than those from Africa.

Distribution and Habitat

Africa, the Middle East, India, and China are home to African wild cats. They are found in lower numbers in the Hoggar Mountains and harsh deserts such as the Sahara. They are found in Mauritania, Somalia, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Sudan, and savannas and shrublands in tropical and subtropical regions south of the Sahara, extending from Morocco to Egypt.

They live in East and Southern Africa, but not in the tropical rainforests of the Congo Basin. Africa's resilient and versatile wildcats can thrive in a variety of environments.

Ecology and Behavior

The ecological and behavioral characteristics of African wild cats reveal their means of survival. These cunning animals prowl at night. They can pinpoint prey thanks to their keen hearing. They approach their prey carefully while hiding behind vegetation. Because they get their moisture from their food, African wild cats drink less water.

What they eat points to opportunistic predation. Eaten are mice, rats, insects, birds, and reptiles. Their diverse diet enables them to flourish in savannas and deserts.

African wildcats with disabilities exhibit amazing feats. To make their fur seem bigger and ward off predators, they raise it. Shrouded in shrubs during the day, they can emerge on overcast days. Three females and one male African wildcat may occupy the same area.

Hunting and Diet

: They hunt in the wild and do well. Rats, mice, gerbils, hares, francolins, and lizards are among the prey of West African wildcats. People in Southern Africa eat lambs, young animals, and antelope fawns.

In Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park, murigos mostly feed on murids, however, they also eat insects, birds, and small reptiles. Their ability to eat a variety of foods makes them adept predators in a range of settings.


African wild cats are resilient and persistent breeders. A woman gives birth in 56–60 days. In Botswana, during the warm wet season, one to three kittens are born. There have been five kitten litters seen.

Their choice of birthing cave determines their reproductive strategy. Females hide in hollow trees, burrows, and grass. Kittens that are blind and susceptible open their eyes after 10–14 days. After a month, they can move and learn how to hunt from their mother.

After three months, young African wildcats can survive on their own. They leave the house around six months old and become wild.


The preservation of African wild cats is crucial for maintaining ecological balance and biodiversity. The IUCN has rated African wildcats as "Least Concern" in its most recent assessment. Despite obstacles, their population is steady and not in danger.

Regarding conservation, there are regional and subspecies differences. Local populations are impacted by poaching, human-wildlife conflict, and regional habitat degradation.

These wildcats are protected under CITES Appendix II. The international trade of African wildcats and their components is prohibited, which reduces the trafficking of wildlife.

Alley Cat Rescue lowers the genetic pollution from domestic cats while assisting African wild cats. The numbers of African wildcats and genetic diversity depend on these kinds of efforts.

After our adventure, we discover that the elusive African wild cats represent the splendor of nature and the need for conservation to preserve the biodiversity of our world.

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